The Similarities Between Menopause and Breastfeeding
Menopause is a low oestrogen state in our bodies.
Breastfeeding is also a low oestrogen state, and many of us who have experienced breastfeeding will recall some of the symptoms can be similar – mood changes, hot flushes and vaginal dryness, for example.
Exploring the Evolutionary Perspective on Menopause and Weight Gain
Humans are one of the few animals that have a long period of life after menopause. One theory of the reason we gain weight at menopause is that we never really evolved to have low oestrogen other than when we were breastfeeding – and this low oestrogen state triggers changes in our brain that control our appetite and metabolism, to help us to eat and store the additional 3-400 calories we need daily to support lactation.
Learning More: Webinar on Menopausal Weight Gain
It’s an interesting theory! To hear more about it, and what can be done to help with menopausal weight gain, you can listen to a webinar by the International Menopause Society here: ttps://